Home Solutions FOR CARD MANUFACTURERS Testing equipment Card and passport physical parameters


Resistance to corner impact for smart cards
Full description

BGI055V2-A: Corner impact
Descripti on:
It tests the resistance to impact corner for the diff erent layers of ID1 card bodies. It has a dropping height of up to 700mm and an impact weight of 13,3N (others parameters possible).

CQM 2016: TM-417 
ANSI 322 2015: 5.19, 6.1, 6.6

BGI055V2-B: Card impact fi xture
Descripti on:
It tests the resistance of a card that is under stress, and then receives an impact. It has a dropping height of up to 550mm and an impact force of 13.3N (others parameters possible).

ANSI 322 2015: 5.4

BGI055V2-C: Resistance to impact (ball impact)
Descripti on:
It tests the resistance to ball impact on ID1 card bodies. It has a dropping height of up to 600mm, an impact weight of 18N and a ball radius of 7.93mm (others parameters possible).

CQM 2016: TM-416 
ANSI 322 2015 5.6, 6.1 

BGI055V2-D: ID-1 Card Stati c Stress
Descripti on:
The BGI055V2-D tool is used to prepare the card before card impact fi xture test BGI055V2-B. The card must be inserted for 24 hours in the tool BGI055V2-D to performed the test: ANSI 322 2015 5.4.
The BGI055V2-D determines the resistance of the card to cracking while under a combinati on of mechanical stress and plasti cizer exposure. This test follow the norm ANSI 322 2015 5.5

Formation of mixed configurations is possible

BGI055V2-A: 200x200x950mm (WxDxH) ,  Weight: 2.70kg

BGI055V2-B: 200x200x950mm (WxDxH) , Weight: 4.00kg

BGI055V2-C: 200x200x950mm (WxDxH) ,  Weight: 3.60kg

70x100x10mm (WxDxH) ,  Weight: 0.106kg 
100x60x10mm (WxDxH) , Weight: 0.085kg

Weight and dimensions are formed  depending on the selected configuration of the devices
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