Home Products CARDS Personalization


The personalization of bank cards in Russia is performed in more than 90% of cases on Datacard equipment. This equipment has been used in Russia and the CIS countries for over 20 years and has proven to be extremely reliable and high-quality. The first Datacard printer of the ImageCard model was delivered to Russia in 1993, produced millions of cards and is still in working condition. The first Datacard 310 embosser, also delivered in 1993, is still in operation.

The personalization of bank plastic cards allows you to give the blank an individual design, to designate its belonging to a specific holder, to protect it from forgery and unauthorized access. Some of this information is visually accessible, some is intended for hardware accounting. The more card personalization methods are implemented in a plastic card, the higher the degree of its protection.







The personalization of bank cards in Russia is performed in more than 90% of cases on Datacard equipment. This equipment has been used in Russia and the CIS countries for over 20 years and has proven to be extremely reliable and high-quality. The first Datacard printer of the ImageCard model was delivered to Russia in 1993, produced millions of cards and is still in working condition. The first Datacard 310 embosser, also delivered in 1993, is still in operation.

The personalization of bank plastic cards allows you to give the blank an individual design, to designate its belonging to a specific holder, to protect it from forgery and unauthorized access. Some of this information is visually accessible, some is intended for hardware accounting. The more card personalization methods are implemented in a plastic card, the higher the degree of its protection.

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