UL Card Spy

UL Card Spy
UL Card Spy is essential for anyone in the business of smart cards and card accepting devices that wishes to thoroughly analyze card-terminal communication.
Full description

UL Card Spy is essential for anyone in the business of smart cards and card accepting devices that wishes to thoroughly analyze card-terminal communication. UL Card Spy can be used in the payment, e-identification, and transit industries.

  • In-depth spying of communication between the smartcard and the terminal
  • Assists in fault cause analysis of interoperability problems
  • Comprehensive reports including insight to application logic
  • Save time through fast analysis

UL Card Spy offers a unique solution for analysis of the card-terminal communication, whether it is contact or contactless, and investigation of any problems that may occur during this interaction. It is an ideal tool when it comes to troubleshooting interoperability-related problems between cards and card accepting devices, such as EMV payment terminals (POS or ATM), eMRTD readers, and AFC readers.

UL Card Spy provides an automatic interpretation of smart card commands and responses. The tool shows the exchange of data between a smart card and card acceptance device in a clear, logical, understandable manner on your screen. It supports cross-industry data interpretation on contact and contactless communication and works in conjunction with the industry-proven hardware UL SmartLink Box (contact) and UL SmartWave Box (contactless).

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